Orange Beach Shark Fishing

orange beach shark fishing
Shortfin Mako Sharks

The Shortfin Mako Shark hunts in the deeper, warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico.  They are the fastest swimming sharks on the planet, clocking in at speeds up to 60 mph.  They hunt the swordfish found in the Gulf but will eat nearly anything.  They are highly migratory, swimming an average of 36 miles a day.  So the large body of the Gulf of Mexico is the perfect habitat for them.

Bull Sharks

Bull Sharks love hunting in the brackish waters of estuaries.  Since 33 river systems flow into the Gulf of Mexico, it is an ideal home for these impressive hunters.  Bull Sharks love hunting in river water so much they have been noted to migrate all the way from the Gulf of Mexico up to Illinois.

Great Hammerhead Sharks

Great Hammerhead Sharks are migratory but are found all over the coastlines ofthe Gulf of Mexico during the warmer months.  They are the largest species of Hammerhead Sharks in the world, measuring 20 ft.  They also have the largest hammerhead which can range from 23-27% of their total body size.

Great White Shark

This truly is an amazing creature and one of the most advancedpredators in the animal kingdom.  They look sscare, are very powerful, have exceptional speed and maneuverability, and are expert hunters.  A Great White Shark is the king of all sharks, and in general, is one of the oldest and most adaptable creatures on earth.

Shark Fishing in Orange Beach

If your shark fishing in Orange Beach or decide to take one of our Orange Beach shark fishing charters, just know that the Gulf of Mexico is a unique body of water. It is the ninth largest body of water on the planet and is home to nearly 49 different species of shark. Here we have  a broad range of ocean ecosystems from shallow reefs to sea forests and it has both shallow coastlines and deep ocean waters reaching 14,300 ft.  This rich ecological diversity provides both abundant food sources and hospitable environments for a vast variety of sharks .Even though we have only listed a few of these beautiful creatures that may be encountered on either a shark fishing trip or one that may just want your bait, just know there are plenty of other species of sharks in the Gulf. Either way, we know how to deal with this.

     What you need to know about Shark fishing in  Orange Beach.

Sharks are Apex Predators that are vital to marine habitats, but scary if you catch one on your line when you aren’t expecting it.  In this case we usually will just cut the line, because our poles will break.  If you decide you want to go on a shark fishing charter in Orange Beach, bring your A game and let us know ahead of time, we will come prepared with the right equipment and bait.  Besides, what do you have to lose! Shark fishing is full of adventure and they are abundant in our Gulf Waters, and always a choice.  If you chum…they will come.


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